Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Digging the deep diamonds

Oh, hey. No I didn't lose my fingers in a circular saw accident. Nor will I, ever! But before you go saying "oh, he fell off", consider this: no, nevermind. No excuses. I just took some other work for a while is all. Had to. The money ran out.

The first girl I ever dated, my highschool sweetheart tore me away from playing my beloved guitar for pretty much a solid year. Not that I'd blame her. Its just a natural tendency to follow the shiniest object. Anyway this break was kind of like that. You come back with a newfound cynicism and contempt for all of your old ideas. This is in my opinion, the basis of all good creative endeavors. Good works just emerge from tension.

There are some very big ideas that I'm not ready to write right yet. Or maybe readers aren't ready to hear them. Things might get different and scary around here for a while. Hell, I might even begin editing my posts before I slap em up here. And stop using so many sentence frags and parenthetical (fat chance).

What I can show is a few things that have gotten me going. I think certain communities will have strong feelings one way or another and I hope they see this. What I won't say is how I think of what's going on here. It's more of a scopophilic consumer indulgence.

***Also as a caveat, I do not claim any of these photos as my own property, I'm just appropriating them here. Nor do I claim that they aren't 'shopped***


Shitty Lo-RES photo.
associated vehicle & floorplan


Vario Alkoven 950
RVs with Carports
All-In-One Camping Vans 4
All-In-One Camping Vans 3
Odorico Pordenone 5
Watch out Sean Connor! T-1000 is pissed and he is trying to take a stylish vacation.

Cool Caravans 8
